时间:2021-04-06 11:46:56 点击: 次 来源:网络 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
04月06日 00:37 Bitcoin.com域名正在网络托管公司GoDaddy的网站上出售。最低报价至少为1亿美元。该网站的月访问量约为771万次,其所有者Roger Ver是BCH(比特币现金)支持者Roger Ver。(u.today)
来源 http://finance.sina.com.cn/7x24/2021-04-06/doc-ikmyaawa7250304.shtml 7x24小时全球实时财经新闻直播 坚持做最好的财经直播报道,给百姓最真的财经动态。 史上最贵域名:
1、CarInsurance.com - 4970万美元,2010年成交 该域名注册于1995年8月,美国网络公司Quinstreet于2010年11月以4970万美元(约3.39亿元)巨资收购汽车保险网站和域名CarInsurance.com。 详见: 史上最贵域名榜单http://yu.run/news/35.html 数字币
ROGER VER BITCOIN ANGEL INVESTOR In 1999 Roger began his career by founding MemoryDealers.com at the age of nineteen while still attending college. Under his leadership the company quickly grew to become a market leader, employing dozens of people across the world and generating millions of dollars in revenue. In 2005 Roger saw an opportunity in the market for fibre optic transceivers used in networking subsystems, so he founded Agilestar.com. Agilestar went on to become a world leader in optical transceivers used by fortune 100 companies around the world. https://www.rogerver.com/ |